Post by Neo Queen Serenity on Oct 27, 2008 17:12:52 GMT -5
1.No godmodding this means taking over another person's character in role plays,if I see this I will give you a warning but continue and you will be banned.
2.Please this forum is 14 years and up,this is a intermediate to advanced role play forum I can understand writer's block sometimes but no one liners steer away from that.
3.You can be inner senshi,outer senshi i'm sure most of you know what those are correct and I shouldn't have to tell you.
4.Made ups allowed,always welcome here but no being related to the canon characters on here if I see that you will be told to change your profile depending on whom you play.
5.No killing off another person's character,unless you have pmed that person and discussed it with them privately.
6.Serenity is the only one that is the holder of the silver imperium crystal,NO ONE else has one and there are no doubles of it.
7.You CANNOT play villains who have been killed off,so do not ask to be them since this is of course the 30th century.
8.Please keep icons to 100x100,and signatures to a reasonable length so they don't stretch the page.
9.No spamming and please keep swearing to a minimum,no F-bombs or A-bombs are allowed or will be tolerated on here.
10.Flaming other members will result in a instant ban from this forum.
11.You can be in two different theads at a time,it just helps to move things along and to not make people wait for reply's.
12.Romance is allowed(huggingxkissing),but anything of the other can be done through PM's or if one wishes I can make a password protected board.
13.Please be active,do not sign up on this forum especially as a canon if your going to be inactive otherwise you will be deleted within the week.
If you have read the rules put this pw in your profile: